1. Biomedicine -- A Personalized Biomedical Technology

Biomedicine in China increased by 100 times in recent 15 years. With the development of life science and technology, the progress in major disease pathogenesis research and drug screening technologies, the development of new drugs grow rapidly. Meanwhile, global pharmaceutical R & D outsourcing services gradually shift to China, which makes China as an emerging market of biomedical R & D and manufacturing. We expect the medical field will shift the direction from extensive medicine to personalized and precise medicine, therefore personalized biomedical technology will be one of our focuses.

2. Medical Devices --Personalized therapy, a arising industry

 While undergoing an early growth spurt of a medical technology from almost empty to a full range of basic categories, the overall level of China's medical equipment in medical institutions is still very low. With the establishment and implementation of universal health insurance policies, the demand for medical products will continue for 10 years or even longer. Therefore, the Chinese medical device market will continue to grow rapidly. Meanwhile, medical technology will be personalized and precise. Among major industries in the medical equipment category, we will advance the layout of personalized medicine technology and invest to the future of the arising industry.

3. Healthcare

A huge pharmaceutical and healthcare products and services to the consumer market has formed as the improvement of people's living standards, the increase of health-conscious and the growth of the average income and population aging. We have predicted that prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease will form a new trend that is a reverse side of specialization and centralization. This new trend will form a new business model of family-oriented medical technology, online hospital and family-oriented medical technology, which will provide terrific investment opportunities.

4. Livelihood security

This is a unique theme that we invest. Chinese people's livelihood has become the consensus of society, while "security" is the basic needs of the people's livelihood! With the solve of the problem of food and clothing of whole Chinese society, people hope to live a more secure, more dignified life. Livelihood security-related areas will appear a "catch-up" effect, so there are significant investment opportunities. "Livelihood security" covers food safety, health security, environmental security, production safety supervision, early warning, monitoring facilities and equipment and other solutions, which will become important field for future investments.

5. New business models and new concept technology

New business models integrate innovative technologies, products, services, markets and other elements of resources, which will exhibit huge market value way beyond the existing model. Based on the latest cutting-edge technology research, new technology concepts will subvert the traditional path and lead the change of industries regime. They embody the duty of Sangel Venture Capital and the pursuit of the highest value.

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